Legal Advice


Legal advice is guidance provided by a lawyer in relation to a legal matter. At an absolute minimum, it requires a lawyer explaining the legal options available to a client. In outlining these options, the lawyer will articulate the potential outcomes of these different options in order to help provide a recommendation on the option which makes the most sense for a client’s position.

legal advice

How do I obtain legal advice?

The best way to get legal advice is to call us on 03 9008 6992. You will be able to speak to a lawyer experienced in criminal law, family law and other areas of law immediately about your legal issue in order to get the peace of mind that comes with this. If you would prefer to meet a lawyer in person for legal advice, you can book an appointment either by calling or booking an appointment online.

How do I get the most out of legal advice from a lawyer?

It helps if you can identify your legal issue such as whether it is criminal law, personal injury, family law or another area of law. During the consultation, be prepared to talk in detail about your legal issue as facts such as names, dates and events can be very important. It can be worthwhile to prepare some questions you may have about legal costs and the practical matters involved in obtaining legal representation.